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Catalog archive | Auction 171

11/22/2019 - 11/23/2019

Lot 7827
Auction 171 | Lot 7827
Opening bid
1850, 5 Rp Rayon I, dark blue with framed cross, type 14, on all sides having full margins extremely fine copy, neat cancelled with black "P. P. " from VIII. Postal district, photo expertize from the Weid SBPV: "in excellent condition. ", Michel 1.300.-1850, 5 Rp Rayon I, dark blue with framed cross, type 14, on all sides having full margins extremely fine copy, neat cancelled with black "P. P. " from VIII. Postal district, photo expertize from the Weid SBPV: "in excellent condition. ", Michel 1.300.-
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